Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How Do You Stop Genital Warts From Spreading?

How Do You Stop Genital Warts From Spreading?

The government is taking steps to prevent the human papillomavirus from spreading.Contracting genital warts is the most common of sexually transmitted diseases. The government is recommending that boys from ages 9 to 20 years old be vaccinated.

Vaccination for boys to stop spreading of the human papillomavirus.

You can read all about it in this article I found in The Cavalier Daily:

An update: government approaches to HPV vaccination

By Josh McNamara, Columnist on November 9, 2011

A panel at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted unanimously last month to recommend routine vaccination of boys against human papillomavirus, the most prevalent sexually transmitted virus in the United States and the cause of nearly all cases of cervical cancer.

In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved Merck’s Gardasil vaccine for females aged 9 to 26, and in 2009 the vaccine was approved for males in the same age range. Although cervical cancer is not a risk for males, the vaccine was approved for the prevention of HPV in males because of the risks of consequent diseases such as genital warts, anal and throat cancers, and precancerous lesions.

Immune males also contribute to “herd immunity” against cervical cancer, meaning that if they are immunized, incidence of HPV-induced cervical cancer in females from sexual contact with males will be reduced. The CDC cited these benefits as sufficient to outweigh the risk of immunization for females, and now males.

State legislation in Virginia reflects an awareness of these benefits. In 2007, the General Assembly voted in favor of compulsory vaccination of all females before entering the sixth grade, with an exemption given to any students whose parents object. Some parents said the mandatory vaccination encourages unprotected sex among students, and that the vaccination did not prevent any disease which is transmitted in the classroom environment. Others supported the measure, arguing that the vaccine would be less accessible to low-income families if it were not supported by the state. Virginia’s House of Delegates voted to repeal the law at the start of this year, but the initiative did not pass in the Senate, and the vaccination requirement stands.

Virginia is currently the only state which requires the vaccine, though it is also mandatory for females in Washington, D.C. schools. No federal laws currently require vaccination of males. Though it is recommended, vaccination against HPV is not currently required for college students in Virginia.

Josh McNamara is a fourth-year student. He can be reached at

Prevention is definitely better than cure.In the case of genital warts there is no cure.
If you want to remove genital warts there is a remedy .Find out more by clicking on the banner.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Duct Tape to Treat Warts.

Duct Tape used To Treat Warts.

Did You Know...... that duct tape is more effective in treating warts than cryotherapy -- and way less painful?

     When news giant CBS covered the duct tape treatment phenomenon on their web blog Healthwatch, they did an excellent job of summarizing the various studies done on the duct tape method so far, including one published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine:

85% of Patients Saw Their Warts Disappear

Silver Duct Tape Study :  In the study, patients wore duct tape over their warts for 6 days.  Then they removed the tape, soaked the area in water and used an emery board or pumice stone to scrape the spot.  The tape was reapplied the next morning.  The treatment was continued for 2 months, or until the wart went away.  Of the 26 patients treated with duct tape, 85% were successfully rid of their warts.

     Compare that to the 40% of patients who suffered through rounds of cryotherapy (the painful application of liquid nitrogen to the afflicted areas) only to find that, after the study was over, their warts had persisted.

What the Experts Say

According to Dr. Dean "Rick" Focht III -- one of the researchers on this study -- duct tape works by irritating the warts, which jump starts your immune system to attack the foreign growths.

     In his interview with CBS, Dr. Focht theorized if the duct tape works through irritation -- and since no other tapes were tested -- it's possible that there's nothing about the "grey, heavy-duty, fabric-backed" material of the tape in particular that makes it so effective.

     But when a study was done among older adults, duct tape was effective in removing warts only 21% of the time, no more effective than a cotton-tape bandage.  When the study was completed, however, the researchers learned that the clear variety of duct tape contains no rubber, like the traditional tape used in the first study.  This detail points back to the question of whether the wart cure is in fact dependent on the good old-fashioned silver duct tape.

     Dr. Rachel Wenner of the University of Minnesota says, "theoretically, the rubber adhesive could somehow stimulate the immune system or irritate the skin in a different manner."

Science Meets Common Sense

Duct tape's ability to treat warts is backed as much by common sense as by science.  Warts require air to survive.  When constantly wrapped in duct tape, they are unable to get it.  Essentially, covering your warts in duct tape is equivalent to suffocating the annoying growths.

     The treatment has incited a lot of skepticism because it does, after all, sound a little far-fetched.  But listen to what one previous doubter had to say about what happened when he used duct tape to treat his 8-year-old son's plantar wart:

"This business of treating warts in children with duct tape ... I've never really believed in it ... Then my 8-year-old developed quite an impressive toe wart ... It bugged him, but there was absolutely no way he was going to have it incinerated or freeze-burned ... So, we tried the weird duct tape treatment ... Over the next few days, when we reapplied the tape, the wart started to look sickly [then, after a few more days] my son proudly displayed [the] crater where the wart had been.  It had fallen off."

     When faced with results like that, even skeptics have to admit that duct tape has a considerable degree of efficacy.  And since it's inexpensive, easy, and safe, it may just be something you'll want to keep on hand in your first aid kit.

Natural Wart Removal With Home Remedies That Work!

Natural Wart Removal With Home Remedies That Work!

Natural wart removal will save you the expense of visiting a dermatologist or podiatrist to have them burned off with a laser, or frozen with nitrogen. Warts, which are caused by the HPV virus, are harmless growths that develop in clusters on the skin. They can appear anywhere on the body but are more common on the face, hands, arms, knees, and feet. People who often go outdoors barefoot are prone to them.

Their texture is rough and they look like diminutive cauliflowers. The coloration is a mixture of red, brown, and pink. They get this color by feeding off blood vessels. If not treated, warts can grow into ugly, large clusters. Home remedies often give the best results, as opposed to products that can be bought over-the-counter. Let's take a look at some well-known home cures.

Tea tree is widely recognized for its healing abilities and it can also eliminate warts. Its powerful antiseptic properties fight infection. From the minute it is applied, it attacks the virus and soothes the skin. To obtain maximum results, ensure that a high quality oil is used. Put a few drops on the warts and dab with a cotton pad twice a day. In 10 days the warts should all be gone.

Duct tape has been used for ages to get rid of warts. Tape a piece directly on the warts so that it is airtight. This will suffocate the growths and kill the roots. Also, the skin softens which helps dislodge the warts. When you peel the tape off, do it gently.

Garlic is well-known for its many health benefits, from lowering blood pressure and cholesterol to preventing baldness. It also cures warts effectively. Cut a peeled clove in half and rub the warts with it four or five times a day.

Apple vinegar is another useful solution. Thoroughly wet a cotton ball with the vinegar and bandage it over the bumps. Do not take it off when you sleep at night. Apply a freshly soaked ball every day. You can also do this with pharmaceutical alcohol or lime juice.

Like garlic, onions have antiseptic and astringent properties.
Here is a recipe to remove warts  that is apparently foolproof.
You need one onion and some white vinegar. Cut the onion into thin round slices and let them soak in a bowl of vinegar for at least 12 hours. Take one slice and place it on the growths and secure it with a bandage or duct tape. It must be completely sealed so that no air can enter.

Natural wart removal can also be achieved with an extract of pineapple, papaya, or grapefruit. Apply a drop of the extract onto the warts and then cover them with a banana peel (the peel side out). Tape it up and change the peel twice a day until the growths have disappeared.
Bananas, pineapple, papaya, and grapefruit all contain certain enzymes that clear up many types of skin blemishes. Although warts cannot really be prevented, some precautions can be taken. Wear shoes when you go outdoors. If you scratch or cut your skin, wash it immediately with soap and water.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wart Removing Remedies.

Natural Wart Removing Remedies

When you are desperate to get rid of an ugly wart, you must take a look at natural treatments for removing warts, moles, and skin tags. Although moles, warts and skin tags are not a fatal condition, this is a very embarrassing thing to have. You can lose your self esteem when you will have them.
In  people with a compromised immune system warts may be contracted. The human papilloma virus (HPV) which is the cause of warts , appear to cause changes in the cervix.This may be the precursor of cervical cancer. Use these natural treatments so the virus does not spread..

Permanently Remove Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Review

Keep your immune system is in tip top shape before even trying to get rid of the unseemly warts.
The good news is that there are natural cures that might be valuable in  removing common warts. In the unfortunate case that you've got genital warts, these solutions aren't effective. For these specialised warts, it is advisable seek the help of a doctor.

For common warts,one of the best way to deal with it, is by using a gel or a tincture .The main ingredient for this home remedy is salicylic acid. The salicylic acid  starts "cutting" into the top layers of the skin. In this way, the wart is being peeled off from the skin.

If you want to get rid of moles, warts and skin tags in a very short time, here are some natural wart rem.val remedies that you can use.

1)Apple Cider Vinegar Wart Remedy:

Soak the wart in warm water for about 20 minutes then let it dry. Now you can now apply apple cider vinegar, using  a cotton ball. Leave the apple cider vinegar on for about 15 minutes. You have to wash the wart with water so that it'll remove the smell of the apple cider vinegar.

Permanently Remove Moles, Warts & Skin Tags.

2)The Potato Wart Remedy:

Use a small cube of potato. Put this on the wart and cover it with tape. Leave  the potato on for a week. The potato will decompose and the wart will fall off.

3)The Aspirin Wart Remedy:

If you have aspirin then dissolve it in water then apply this to your wart. You should do it twice a day and cover  it with band aid.

Commonly found kitchen items are the next wart remedies that you can use.

4)The Baking Soda Wart Remedy:

Seems to simple to be effective!Combine baking soda and water. Rub this for about 4 times a day.

5)The Castor Oil Wart Remedy: 

Castor oil has been used for ages. Cut a small piece of cloth ,big enough to cover the wart.Soak the cloth in  castor oil and put on the wart.  Cover the wart with band aid and leave it overnight.

For plantar warts, you can take banana peel and put it on the  wart .Take care to cut the banana peel to the size of  the wart(a small piece). Put the rest of the peel in the fridge for later use.Leave on until it comes of by itself. Repeat the banana peel treatment until the wart is gone!

To remove warts on your face you must use a softer approach. You do not want scars on your face! If the wart has been there for a while, then chew some cashew nuts. This can melt away the warts within a month.

A tincture of the herb dandelion  is also very effective.Test a small area on a place that can not be seen to make sure that you are not allergic. It is possible that this can dissolve the wart within 3-6 weeks of daily use.

Garlic can also be rubbed on a facial wart. Do it in the evening to make sure that the smell of the garlic stays at home when you go to work!Use your normal facial wash to remove the garlicky smell.

Click Here For Easy- Moles, Warts & And Skin Tags Removal