Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wart or Callus: How To Tell the Difference.

<p>It is common to have hard areas of skin on the bottom of the foot that can be painful with the pressure exerted by standing and walking. However, many people are often confused by whether the hard area is simply a callus, or whether it is a wart. While it may not seem so, there is a big difference between the two, and treatment is different as well. This article discusses these differences.</p>

<p>Corns, calluses, and warts all share the same kind of tissue on their superficial surface, and can often be confused as one another. Underneath, there is a big difference in the kind of tissue that is contained under a corn/callus, and the kind that is found under a wart. In short, a corn or callus is thickened tissue from the top compressed layer of skin that thickens in response to pressure. This pressure can come from externally, such as a poorly fitting shoe, or internally, such a prominent bone due to a foot or toe deformity. This thick tissue is called a hyperkeratosis, and a corn simply describes a hyperkeratosis on the toes while a callus is hyperkeratosis found on the bottom or sides of the foot. A <a href=''>wart</a> is something all together different. While a <a href=''>wart</a> can develop out of a callous or corn, it can also form in skin where there is no excessive pressure, such as in the crease of the toes.
 A wart is the tissue formed when the skin becomes infected with a virus. This virus can be contracted by stepping on a skin cell containing the virus from another person, and is often transmitted in public places where people are barefoot, such as public showers, pools, and locker rooms. The virus instructs the skin to grow outward with tiny ridges, which strangulate capillary blood vessels as they grow, resulting in the little black dots people incorrectly call 'seeds' within the wart. The wart can rapidly grow, as well as spread new warts in the surrounding area. The tissue can also bleed in a pinpoint manner if shaved or snagged, and little cauliflower-like growths can be seen blossoming from the top of the wart in some cases.</p>

<p>There are several key differences in identifying whether a skin lesion is a callus or wart. Most cases have these differences, although there are some cases in which the differences are subtle, and it is difficult to tell without looking at the tissue under a microscope. These differences include pain, skin line appearance, surface appearance, and growth rate.</p>


<p>Corns and callus tissue and wart tissue can be painful with pressure. However, the nature of this pain can be a little different when one examines their foot. In general, when one pushes on a corn or callus, it will hurt somewhat, while squeezing the tissue together does not cause any pain. A wart will generally be less painful to direct pressure, but squeezing it will cause more discomfort. While this difference is usually the case, there are calluses that can be tender to squeezing and warts that are more painful to direct pressure.</p>

<p>Skin Line Appearance:</p>

<p>The skin lines in the feet are similar to the skin lines, or fingerprints, in the hands. These lines are natural tension grooves in the skin surface. A callus will not push these lines aside, while a wart will create a disruption in the skin lines like a ripple around the wart. This usually cannot be seen until the callus or wart is shaved down flat, but is a fairly good indicator of the difference between the two.</p>

<p>Surface Appearance:</p>

<p>The surface of a callus and of a wart are usually somewhat different. Corn and callus tissue tends to be very hard and generally smooth, although some cracks can appear on the surface with rough contours. Some corns and calluses can have dry blood underneath the surface if the pressure is high enough, but this is usually more spread in clumps. Warts, on the other hand, typically have an irregular, bumpy surface that can appear ridged, rippled, or cauliflower-like. The wart can stick out away from the surface of the skin in a bumpy manner as apposed to the smooth mound of a callus, and will have the aforementioned dead capillaries that look like scattered small black dots. Some warts actually have moist, loose tissue as opposed to a hard callus top, and can sometimes look like there is a stalk going down into the skin.</p>

<p>Growth Rate:</p>

<p>Corns and calluses are the body's natural response to pressure, and subsequently they grow slowly over time in response to the continued pressure of walking, or the irritation of a shoe. Warts, due to the fact that they are caused by an infection, can develop overnight. The wart itself may grow slowly over time, or it may rapidly expand and spread. Regardless, the onset of the wart is generally quick in comparison to the callus.</p>

<p>As mentioned before, these differences are not always present, and calluses and warts can sometimes appear similar. In these cases, a biopsy is needed to determine the actual tissue type, as treatment is so very different between the two. Corns and calluses are long-term skin lesions that can be reduced by regular filing or professional shaving, as well as reduction of the pressure by either wearing better fitting shoes or using special shoe inserts to reduce pressure on the bottom of the foot is the callus is located there. Contrary to popular belief, corns and callus cannot be permanently cut out, as the skin under the lesion is completely normal and is simply responding to pressure. Removing the tissue will only result in another corn or callus developing again after the skin heals. The underlying pressure point from the bone directly underneath needs to be surgically addressed to permanently remove the callus, and this requires either shaving of prominent bone or corre
 ction of any bone deformity present.</p>

<p>Warts cannot be treated in this manner, because a virus is the cause. The body must be stimulated to develop an immune response to the virus to destroy it, and only then will the wart go away. This is typically done with gentle chemical irritants applied to the skin on a regular basis to stimulate the immune system and prod it to create an antibody to kill the virus. Surgery to remove the wart is sometimes successful in providing lasting treatment, although some virus cells that have not yet formed an external wart can still remain in the surrounding skin and lead to a new wart over time.</p>

<p>While it can be sometimes confusing as to whether a hard area of skin is a callus or a wart, there are differences that can help make identification possible, and as one can see from the preceding description correct identification is the key to ensuring it is treated properly.</p>


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Warts Formed From Human Pappiloma Virus.

If your want happen to be having a wart permanently gone then your wart removal process must include a method to be able to eliminate your virus at the origin. Using this method is similar to trying to eliminate weeds within a backyard. By mowing weeds just the upper part will be removed. The root is still in place which means these weeds will be able to regrow. Though, when the root of the weed happens to be dug up then the entire weed will be dead. Warts formed from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) need to be eliminated at the base.

Warts have got a deep root structure. A lot of traditional methods attempt to freeze or burn these growths off. These methods are not typically successful given that the method does not eliminate its origin. Eventually a blemish reappears.

HPV comes in where the surface of the skin is separated such as tiny breaks on feet or hands. Broken skin areas are vulnerable to HPV. HPV could be transmitted through coming in contact with someone who is infected. If a HPV carrier handles an item another person could get contaminated with HPV after touching that same object.

These growths can be infectious. Try to dodge physical contact with any known infected person. Do in no way share personal items together with an contagious individual. HPV will have an extended development time period meaning indications may not be visible till much later after initial contact.

These blemishes, comparable to most viruses, can disburse all through our bodies. Whenever considering wart removal be sure to use a proper procedure given that there are more than 80 hpv strains which produces warts. These growths will grow in a lot of sizes plus shapes.

Kids and teens often will be at a higher chance for these blemishes. Human Papillomavirus causes different sorts such as facial, foot or hand warts. Warts on the hand happen to be the most typical kind. One situation can be from fingernail biting. The next scenario tends to be direct contact with an item which a Human Papillomavirus infected person has just handled. Hand warts develop on the palms and fingers. The texture for a hand wart is typically little spherical uneven sections.

Facial warts tend to be formed often whenever an individual which has Human Papillomavirus on their hands touches their face. Such ugly growths may not just cause emotional scarring but physical scars. Experiencing a facial mole, the same as Natalie Dormer, was a beautiful trademark. Nonetheless, experiencing an ugly facial wart happens to be just plain hideous.

Warts on the feet, often called plantar warts, will be torturous because an individual walks with their feet everyday. Human Papillomavirus tends to be passed on to folks when sharing the bathroom together with different carriers. Walking bare foot in a damp spot, such as public showers, may be a location to get infected with HPV. Attempt to put on shoes or sandals whenever using a community shower. A public gym is swarming with viruses and bacteria which are simply passed on to other individuals. Once a wart appears, a non-traditional or traditional wart removal solution might be desired given that these growths might take several months or even years before they go away.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wart Information And Cure.

What are warts?

Warts are soft tissue growths that can occur on anywhere on the skin, including the soles of your feet. A wart that develops on the bottom of your foot is called a plantar wart. Warts are usually not painful, although they can be if a plantar wart is located on the ball or heel of the foot.

How can you get a wart?

All warts result from a viral infection of the skin caused by direct skin-to-skin contact. The virus, called Human Papillomavirus (HPV), enters the skin through a cut. The cut may be so small that it is invisible to the naked eye. Plantar warts are contracted in public places where people walk around barefoot like locker rooms, pools, gyms, and salons where foot care treatments such as pedicures are performed.

Are warts contagious?

All warts, including plantar warts, are very contagious and are easily spread by physical contact including touching or scratching, with skin shed from another wart.

How do you know it's a wart?

Often mistaken for benign lesions such as corns or calluses, plantar warts are often discovered while visiting a  podiatrist office for foot care. Plantar warts are gray or brown in color, while common warts are white, tan, flesh colored, or pink in color. Serious malignant lesions can also be mistaken for a wart, which is why it's important to have any suspicious lesion checked by a podiatry specialist .

Plantar warts on the bottom of the foot are generally hard and flat, with a rough surface. They may have tiny black pinpoints scattered throughout. Warts on the top of the foot are raised and more fleshy looking.

If left untreated warts, including plantar warts, can spread to other parts of the body. Self-treatment using over the counter acid preparations or freezing solutions is an option for many, but should be avoided by anyone with diabetes or circulatory disorders.

If you suspect a wart, contact a podiatrist to confirm a diagnosis and get professional treatment, which may be a combination of shaving, application of a very strong acid, laser, freezing, or surgical excision. A series of treatments may be necessary to successfully eradicate plantar warts, which may grow deep into the skin.

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